Video Testimonial by Ovidiu Iovanel (Romania)
Video Testimonial by Ahmet Ogras (Turkey)
Video testimonial by Anna Carrión
Video testimonial by Dave Betty
A great step forward
Everybody started on their own level and everybody could make a great step forward!
I will come back next summer.
I would and will come back next summer. You have a lovely organisation and a good heart. Thank you very much!
Testimonial by Patrick
Testimonial by Tatjana and Galina (Russian and English)
Video testimonial by Jose Luis and Carlos
Video testimonial by Asuka
Video testimonial by Dan Marshall
Testimonial video by Larry
Una organización “de 10”!

1000% improvement

…a perfect match!

Life Changing…!

It was very worthwhile for me!

Maestro, SEI GRANDE! 🙂
Thank you Alvaro for all that you have been sharing with us during last week.
Your words won’t be forgotten and neither the wonderful experience I had. Maestro, SEI GRANDE!

I’m still getting over that amazing, unbelievable week in Girona
…I’m still getting over that amazing, unbelievable week in Girona, but in the office already and working!
Have a good rest after all the hard work you did, and we’ll keep on touch.
My impressions from that great week are still with me
Ojala pudiéramos estar siempre pintando por ahí!!!
Angela, felicidades por tu organizacion del curso con Alvaro Castagnet, ha sido genial y he disfrutado mucho con todos vosotros.
Ojala pudiéramos estar siempre pintando por ahí!!!
Un abrazxo muy grande y felicidades de nuevo!
Angela, congratulations on your organization with Alvaro Castagnet course has been great and I really enjoyed you all.
I wish we could be always painting out there!
A very large abrazxo and congratulations again!
I feel much more confident in planning and executing a watercolor
For me this week was like a dream and with my thoughts I´m still “en la Costa Brava”.
The landscape, the weather, Joseph as a painter and teacher, great.
I'm still finding his remarks and comments about watercolor I never heard of before somewhere in my head and I feel much more confident in planning and executing a watercolor.
Everything was always arranged perfectly
Many thanks for a superb course.
The tuition goes without saying but I feel I must say how superbly you organised everything without any fuss.
We never had to worry because we knew everything was always arranged perfectly.
Que volví con muchas ganas de pintar
Pues la verdad es que volví con muchas ganas de pintar y de tratar de poner en práctica lo que había aprendido.
The truth is I came back eager to paint and try to put into practice what they had learned.
I enjoyed very much all the outdoor painting
Thanks for a great course with Mr. Bead Joseph.
I enjoyed seeing a part of Spain I hadn't seen before and meeting the other artists.
I enjoyed very much all the outdoor painting even though it was a bit of a challenge being with such experienced painters.
It was without doubt, my best course ever!
Just to thank you and to let you know that I had a great time and it was without doubt, my best course ever!
JZ is an amazing revelation with his clarity of thought and vision and of course a fantastic painter
JZ is an amazing revelation with his clarity of thought and vision and of course a fantastic painter.
What he states is often “blindingly obvious”, but why didn´t I think of it I ask myself!
Joseph is such a tremendous teacher
The class was exceptional, lovely people and a great group of Spanish folks.
The locale was beautiful, great accommodations and food. I'm home two weeks and have not come down from the cloud yet, enjoyed the entire class. Joseph is such a tremendous teacher, I will be forever grateful to him for introducing me to MR. BEAD!
Finally I have learnt how to paint The Way I Always Dreamt Of
What a fantastic painting course-the AMAZING SIGHTS of Catalonia “sing” from my sketchbooks.
Thank you for making this possible and Charles for sharing the secrets.
Thank you for being so SUPPORTIVE AND HELPFUL
Thank you very much again for being so SUPPORTIVE AND HELPFUL making our trip so memorable.
Thanks for a wonderful week
Thanks again for a wonderful week and for all your help and assistance which was much appreciated.
We both have had the most amazing time
We both have had the most amazing time, made some wonderful new friends and enjoyed every minute of it despite the weather.
I feel so priveledged to have been able to watch Charles every day and have him look at my own offerings.
I achieved what I set out to achieve in watercolour painting
Thank you for a wonderfully successful and happy course.
You worked extremely hard to achieve so much in difficult conditions what with the adverse weather and the volcano ash.
I achieved what I set out to achieve in watercolour painting, and Tim enjoyed it far more than he had anticipated. You had gathered an interesting group of people from all round the world for us to chat to in free times.
To my dreamy mind I thought I was in a PICASSO workshop witnessing passion, mood and brilliance of a painter
A BIG THANK YOU is in order for yet another terrific workshop with our favourite watercolorist ALVARO…
To my dreamy mind I thought I was in a PICASSO workshop witnessing passion, mood and brilliance of a painter.
One of the most enjoyable art experiences I’ve had
I also would like to thank you and ‘Vincent’ for making my painting holiday with Charles Reid in Girona one of the most enjoyable art experiences I’ve had and hopefully I can join you again sometime.
I always come away so motivated and a little more knowledgeble about watercolour
Just a quick note to thank you for all your organisation skills for what I thought was an enjoyable workshop, and I loved meeting you and all the other painters I had lots of laughs and I painted sort of ok.
I always come away so motivated and a little more knowledgeble about watercolour. I adored the Costa Brava coast.
It was an amazing workshop, nice place, nice weather, very nice people
It was an amazing workshop, nice place, nice weather, very nice people and Joseph; he is a great teacher and friend. Thank you for making such a wonderful and unforgettable time for me.
I’ll fondly remember this joyful evening and delicious feast again and again
I’d like to thank you for your excellent flexible organisation and above all, your kind personal care. You helped me in every way from the beginning to the end. My last evening in Girona was unforgettable.
I’ll fondly remember this joyful evening and delicious feast again and again.
I found it challenging, stimulating and very enjoyable
Anyway I would like to thank you and Elizabeth for providing such a wonderful experience in Girona, I really enjoyed it and I found it challenging, stimulating and very enjoyable.
The locations were fantastic and I particularly enjoyed the coastal villages but Girona was equally enchanting. Mixing with people from different countries and cultures was also excellent.
Alvaro is a very gifted artist and he creates such wonderful paintings but I think his methods caught a few of us out; many of us had never been faced with the approach he takes so I was found it hard and lost confidence in myself.
De esta pasión que nos uneDe esta pasión que nos une
Hola Angela, vuelvo a felicitarte por tu trabajo y por dar en todo momento lo mejor de ti.
Ha sido un placer conocerte y espero que volvamos a encontrarnos en algun lugar común de esta pasión que nos une. Un beso.
Hi Angela, I again congratulate you on your work and always give you the best of you.
It was a pleasure meeting you and hope we meet again somewhere in this common passion that unites us. A kiss.
I learned a lotaprendí muchísimo
I did not learn something - I learned a lot.
Green paint, listening to your thoughts on what is art was something very special and very rewarding for me. Now, says Mone, I hope to move it to my watercolors.
Thank you very much for being you Alvaro.No aprendí algo, aprendí muchísimo. Verte pintar, escuchar tus pensamientos sobre lo que es el arte fue algo muy especial y muy enriquecedor para mí. Ahora, como dice Mone, espero poder trasladarlo a mis acuarelas. Muchas gracias por ser como eres Alvaro.
It was an unforgettable time
Mi alma esta en Girona hasta ahora, paseando por las callas estrechas,mirando a las casas viejas y bonitas, deseando pintar. Pero todo tiene su final…..que lástima…
How I am missing all of you! It was unforgettable time. Thanks to everybody for wonderful company. Tenía suerte de conocer a gente como ustedes.Ojalá que nos encontremos otra vez…….It is cold in Russia now, I would like to go back…